Exploring Cacophony and simultaneity in art through performance, installation and exhibition. more of the same as below.​
A multi-channel sound and light installation at a public library, sonifying the mute cacophonous space. Inspired by the library scene in Wings of Desire. The installation creates an experience that links fiction and sound.​
The invited artists are at liberty to design sound collages with little reference to any familiar patterns; and regard subjective, cultural or contextual association in sound as a valid element in composition.
It expands its use beyond the casual sequenced and sampled to create a meta-composition that encourages Gestalt listening - expanding the listeners' attention to include the omniphonic and synchronous attributes of sound perception.
Installations / Performance
1st Dec 2011 | Westminster Reference Library - art library, London
Live sets by: Joel Cahen, Lionel Marchetti, Eric La Casa​
Exhibition / Performance
Cacophony in installation, in quadrophonic sound and space on bean bags and in video​
Venue: The Apiary, 458 Hackney Road, London, E2 9EG
Date: Friday 25 November 2011 20:00 - 23:00
Parhessia Sound System (Fr) - Prolific composer of sound collage plays a live quadrophonic abstract mash up to a video collage. (aka Colibri Necrophile, Chromatic, Ed End, Gestalt Orchestra). Necktar Music.
​Joel Cahen - Quadrophonic sound collage
​Crowd Formation - Live
Ron Briefel - multi- screen random video compilation of occurrences. Ron has been documenting his outings for years and in the most haphazard fashion, this is the first installation of a pixel-fraction of his lifelong work.
Chris Collier ​- The Susurrations of Seashells​
Reflexive sound work involving several multi-layered hydrophone recordings played as non-synchronised stereo loops inside sea shells. A description of the sound is written by visitors, the description is then left in the typewriter to influence the next listener's perception of what will in fact be a different audio experience (owing to the almost infinite combinations produced by the non-synchronised stereo loops of differing durations).
Vasco Alves - AM/FM Keyboard.
6 piano keys trigger 6 radios tuned to different stations enabling one to create/play sound pieces based on what is being broadcasted at that very special moment. Every speaker as a tuner underneath which adds the option to seek for different radio stations or simply for random noise, whatever fits best on the on going sound piece.

Fifteen speakers in the library space featuring live sound by Lionel Marchetti Eric La Casa Joel Cahen

Fifteen speakers in the library space featuring live sound by Lionel Marchetti Eric La Casa Joel Cahen